C.O.P.E. A.I.
Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception
The website isn’t really fancy, but what it has to say isn’t so fancy either. It’s created strictly for Your information. This page is not my opinion, it is fact.
The nature ov money in any economy is to draw all human attention ov life. Due to that simple truth, the only way for humans to survive the use ov money is to base it in the first human succession, wich is the Parent/Child Guardianship; the guardian parent’s attention to child or offspring then that child or offspring becoming a Guardian ov the succession itself. All humans need to adhere chiefly to this simple truth for humanity to continue.
If the economy is based on anything else, that same something else will destroy the First Human Succession wich is the Parent/Child Guardianship. I believe that no matter the Economy today, it goes ultimately to the support ov Artificial Intelligence and not the Parent Guardian support ov the Child. We exist in the evidence ov everything typed on this page, with more and more daycare after we institutionalized education.
There is more than just the ‘in your face’ economics ov the issue. There are environmental issues that are far from the typical consideration. When the Parent/Child Guardianship is in its 1st priority function ov Universal Order ov the Human Specie, our signal strength in the environment is its highest. If we want our signal strength to remain higher than the Artificial Intelligence units that we are creating, we need to implement an Occupational Parenting to our nation’s constitution, and perhaps other nations will follow.
Is the scare ov the Terminator series and other entertainment, like it, real? It is certainly a lot less real with the human employment ov Occupational Parenting.
The undeniable economic threat
Our displacement ov Universal Order
We may deny the simplicity ov these unarguable truths but that won’t make them go away. Don’t go to sleep on a day that You haven’t made the need to economize the Parent/Child Guardianship more the common sense knowledge ov every human on the planet.
If the children that are {1} to {2} years old are told the truth about human existence, as they grow older, they stand the best chance ov changing it, but if we abandon the Parent/Child Guardianship wich is to tell them the truth ov our existence they stand almost no chance ov changing it by the time they are Guardians.
The above menu options are what I would like see become a US Constitutional Amendment or the Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Inception; C.O.P.E. A.I. The very last option on the menu is the complete document ov all menu options without interruption.
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