Details ov the Vote

The Details ov the Vote ov Abuse/Neglect 

The 1st vote amongst the eight Panel Members will be for {CCT} Chief Capacity Threatened by majority rule, with the Judge and Court Diligence each counting as a vote. Such will designate how voting shall then forth be carried out. The {CCT} will have a vote ov repeating eight {.888}. One ov the adjacent Capacities wich is 2nd most threatened will be a repeating seven {.777}, 3rd most threatened {.666}, and so~on down to least most threatened Capacity at repeating one {.111}. When the vote on any issue, the last ov wich is a verdict ov, ‘No Change,’ ‘COP Assistance’ or ‘Displacement,’ each vote is counted as it was designated with the highest number winning the vote. It is the last vote due to its impact on the Child, but may be reached at any time during the process as other votes and decisions may guide. There will be no dispute ov the Panel having {3} or fewer options withstanding the voting designation.

The Judge has a vote that is repeating nine {.999}, and the Court Diligence has a vote that is repeating one {.111}. When voting the Judge’s and the Diligence’s vote are independent, but count as {1} for the majority rule ov the {CCT} Chief Capacity Threatened. Neither the Judge nor Court Diligence may cast a {CCT} vote unless there is a tie for the highest number and they must cast to a vote in the tie for the decision ov {CCT} Chief Capacity Threatened.

There are three ways for a {2} vote to beat a {6} vote, and two ov them designate a revote. The first way does not. One ov the votes in a {2} over {6} vote must be the {CCT .888}}. That vote must have a surrogate vote, no more than {1} Capacity away from the {CCT}. So, the lowest vote that may surrogate a lone {CCT .888} is an adjacent Capacity {CCT .666} resulting in one point repeating five {1.555}. Since the other votes add up to {2.444} for ‘No Change,’ ‘COP Assistance,’ or ‘Displacement,’ the Judge may cast their {.999} with the {1.555} vote for a {2.555} win over the {2.444} and {2} votes ov the Panel have beaten {6} votes.

The Court Diligence may choose to cast with the Judge, against the Judge and with the other {6}, or cast for the 3rd Decision ov the ‘No Change,’ ‘COP Assistance,’ or ‘Displacement,’ Decision to influence the Check Package. If the Court Diligence cast against the Judge and with the {6}, the 2nd possibility for a {2} over {6} vote to be victorious is to revote after relacing {2} Panel Members ov the Court Diligence’s choice, probably the {CCT .888} {CCT .777} or {CCT .666}. If the the same Decision as the 1st vote is arrived at a 2nd time, {CCT .888} with a surrogate vote {CCT .666}, the Court Diligence’s is no longer independent but must correspond to the Judge’s vote, resulting in a {2.444} ov the {6} and a {2.666} ov the {2}, and {2} votes ov the Panel have won over {6} votes ov the Panel, with {2.777} being the highest vote achievable by {2] Panel Members.

The 3rd way for {2} votes to win over {6} votes is when the {CCT .888} vote and the Surrogate vote ov {CCT .666} or more, simply request ov the Judge that {3} ov the {6} Panel Members be replaced. If {5} ov the {6} Panel Members agree to the replacement, the voting cohort ov {6} Panel Members will choose the {3] to be replaced. If {5} ov the {6} Panel Members disagree with the replacement the Judge may stand down and deny the request ov the {2} votes or with the combined vote ov the Court Diligence, the Judge may replace all {5} ov the Panel Members. Voting shall then be carried out as normal with the 3rd possible destiny ov a {2} vote over a {6} vote at hand.

No more Members may be replaced therefore after but the vote may venture to the 1st way that a {2} over {6} may be successful, but after a replacement on the Panel by the Diligence and the Judge, the Diligence’s vote is no longer independent and must correspond to the Judge’s vote, in any {2} to {6} vote but remains independent in all other votes unless the Diligence’s vote would cause an unbreakable tie. In such a case the Court Diligence’s vote must not be cast but conserved by the Court. The replacement ov Panel Members  is {5}, {3}, or {2} in number, with the choice belonging to them assigned to the replacing.

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