The {GEARS} allows the Central Government to own and operate {1}one and only {1}one ov each company represented in American Business or the Business where an American may work, during times ov Good Commerce and Full Faith and Credit  (Reference: Article IV Section 1 ov the United States Constitution) between “We the People” and Business~enterprise, shall this Regulation stand. The size ov the company shall be dictated by its ability to expand, staying at the size that catalyzes the most rapid growth potential and must always present a uniform reduction ov the full Enterprise in America. If the Central Government shall engage the petition ov {100}one~hundred Citizens ov “We the People” or if it attains the approval ov that same number ov Citizens, un~petitioned, the Central Government may, by all means, TEMPORARILY, and {5}five by {2}two expand, start~up, influence, and/or invest in a company(ies) beyond its allowance ov {1}one in the {GEARS}”Government Enterprise Application Regulation Singularity”. If the US. Government expands any  {1}one or more ov its {GEARS} Compan(y)ies to fight Corporate corruption, e.g. A monopoly. The Central Government must continuously demonstrate with media/medium the plot back to {1}one company. The sale ov Government Company Bonds or Shares to American Citizens must be the Spine ov all {GEARS} builds. Such an event must ‘head~line’ Government news and all public~disclosures for a period no less than {90}ninety days. With~in those {90}ninety days, and therefore after, the Central Government must by any means ov the vote and by inter~net vote attain {1/4}one~quarter ayes ov the available voting Citizenry ov voting~regularity ov “We the People” to evelop beyond the initial {5}five companies, then attain the ayes {1/3}one~third ov the same voting body to remain the same throughout the TEMPORARY expansion, for {10}ten companies, {1/2}one~half for {20}twenty companies, and {2/3}two~thirds for {40}forty.  After {40}forty companies the vote shall culminate in the Market~vote, by which {7/9}seven~ninths ayes shall vote to take a market(s). Simultaneous to the acquisition’s success the Central Government’s holdings shall recede {5}five by {2}two, leaving companies proofs ov independence ov the Central Government’s TEMPORARY interests fulfillment. The Central Government shall sell to the American public {10)ten Companies at a time, with {5}five or (2} years between each sale with all Bonds matured. Those companies gaining independence shall give a Full Faith and Credit report to “We the People” via the same media/medium initially used by the Central Government. All Government Businesses shall be regulated as {OPET}

Another time that an intervention~regulation is needed  is a ‘twin pay~ins’ to any Tier except the “Security Regulation” {OPET}. A ‘twin pay~in’ will happen every time there’s a Pool. If there is not adequate relief (‘twin pay~in responsibility’ to {OPET}) from any Pool,  and the money~flow will distort and bloat. Pools form when labor is returned for a wage paid, which creates ‘un~regulated money’ or a Pool. The payer and payee in a Pool, must pay money to the remaining Tier. There is the {MET~and~CADET} Work~place Pool where {CADET} payin with Labor and Natural Resources belong to {CADET} as well. Both {MET~and~CADET} are paying taxes into the {OPET}. This is where the intervention is needed the {OPET~and~CADET} Work~place Pool must both pay into the {MET}, with purchases but the {MET} is not the “Security Regulation”. The {OPET} is always the “Security Regulation”; the only Tier allowed a ‘twin pay~in.

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