Begin Amendment

{C.O.P.E.  A.P.}

Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Proposal

Begin Amendment

All Children born to a Citizen ov the United States ov America are born with Inalienable Rights, practiced in the United States ov America, as determined by the United States Constitution. These shall be responsibly levied with the duties beneficial and befitting an individual and society. The aforesaid responsibilities and duties shall be appropriately levied solely by the Parent(s), being within the confines ov the Law ov the Land. The Parents are the complete Custodians ov the Child’s absolute but immature full American Rights. The Parent(s), shall, but not be required, to receive payment thereto aforementioned responsibilities and duties, at the grant ov The People. The Parent(s) may, but, need not, have benefit ov the those Experts in Assistance Enterprises, such as Homekeeping Companies, in the provisions ov the aforesaid responsibilities and duties to their Child/Children and their Society. They may, or not, collaborate in obtaining such assistance with persons having shared interest in the health and evelopment ov their Child/Children and other Children. So shall it be, unless, the Child/Children is/are proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, to be in neglect ov the health ov any ov the the Child’s/Children’s States/Capacities. Neglect may be found in any ov the States or Capacities ov the Human Existence: Physical, Psychological, Mental, Material, Emotional, Spiritual/Reproductive, Sociological,  or Cognitive, well-being. If the Child is found to be in such a state as neglect, the appropriate motion to assist or separate the Parent(s) and Child/Children shall be made to begin the process by which they may be rejoined. The Mathematical process by which the vote shall determine the treatment ov the Family or its portion, embraces the concept ov Universal Mathematics; as ov yet still in discovery, but here to inspire confident anticipation. There Shall be a Court and to it’s selection or appointment, a Judge, presiding over a Panel ov {8}Eight Experts. One{1} Expert to each ov the {8}Eight Capacities ov the Human Existence. The motion ov intervention shall be contingent on {2/3}two thirds or greater fractional part ov some Official Policing Body. e.g. Two ov three Police Officers, or {5} neighbors, or the Parent ov (a) Child/Children in question.

For this Amendment to be realized We must be able to assign definition to Spirit. HomeKeeperU suggest the following:

Spirit: 1. Event, knowledge and ability ov the event, where by, there is an essential mass-correlation ov {Variance 2} ov Synergetic and Energetic happenings i.e. All things must work together with both living and non-living objects. 2 . Essential Synergy that may be considered to be generated by every living being and objects ov their scope. 3. Synergy, that may exist, in a confounding/degenerating or compounding\generating\regenerating State, so as to become and sustain Energy. 4. Synergy that may also Exist, in a state between compounding and confounding, with no perceivable gain or loss to Energy. 5. Synergy that is  a guide ov Emotion, Reason, and Energy itself i.e Synergy in regard to its affect/effect to and from Emotion, Reason, and Energy. (A chair will be different just because ov who is standing near it, than if no~one was near it at all.

5. Effective Spirit may be considered the ripples ov Relativity by wich reality changes.

HomeKeeperU suggests, Mental is designated to be separate of, but catalyst to, Psychology and median to Sociology as a catalyst to Mentology, as follows:

Mentology: 1. The relationship between {2}two  2. An Individual’s out-look(s) on another Individual and the other’s out-look(s) back at the 1st Individual as separate ov or part ov Society.3. The transceivable State between Sociology and Psychology as separate ov, and or, part ov society. 4. The Individual’s out-look(s) on Society and inversely Society’s out-look(s) on the Individual as separate ov , and or, part ov the Individual or society including the looking-glass. 5. The Individual’s out-look(s) on (a) group(s) as separate ov, and or, part ov or as (a) societ(y)ies and the group(‘s’) out-look(s) on the aforesaid Individual as separate ov, and or, part ov, or as a Societal determiner. 6. (An) Individual(‘s’) or group(‘s’) out-look(s) on (an)other Individual(‘s’) or group(‘s’) out-look(s) as separate ov, and or, part ov, or as a Societ(y)ies or Societal Determiner(s). 7. An Individual’s or group(‘s’) outlook on their environment and an environment’s response to the individual or group(s) presence or out~look(s).

Harm: When {1}one provable degree ov favorable increase is not attained/obtained to the point before any degree ov detriment took place.

Abuse: When a Child is Harmed in any number ov the {8}Eight Human Capacities, by neglect, persecution, physical impact or contortion, under or over~exacting, or under or over~exerting, or any other means by which harm may come to the Human Capacities. 

Physical Abuse: Shall be determined ov any mark on or affliction ov the child’s body wich is not healing upon the infliction.

Abuse shall be determined on a Child by Child basis and never by generalization except in the proof ov Spherical~Turn~around. A standard ov cell rupture to recoverability ov the flesh, bones, and all parts ov the Living Human Carcass, shall be determiner. To exceed the standard will be determined, Physical~abuse.  Neglect in the material capacity shall be determined by the Climate and Environment ov the Numbers ov Shared Reality. Spoil in the Material capacity, how~ever, shall be determined by harm to {1}one or more capacities ov the {8}Eight Capacities.

One{1} capacity’s prominence can not routinely be ov the sacrifice ov any other capacit(y)ies to the proof ov routine, or traumatic Harm. By LAW’s~Year, all advancement ov the Human and the progress ov the Individual and Masses ov Children and Adults shall be addressed by record, chart, matrices and all manner ov Scientific Measure, such as the {TECH3FM} The Emotional Cross Hair and 3 Fear Matrix, shall be had, utilized, and progressed/advanced, first for the Core Occupational Parenting Profession and all Parenting there~after. No Child may be allowed to subside beneath the minimum ov the LAW’s Year, without a Parent being charged with Neglect. At least {1}one Human Parent/Guardian must be assigned every Human Child in America. A Parent being charged with any ov the abuses or neglect, may turn charge to any Government, or Corporate Entity.

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