Incentivized Social Security

Not Part ov the Core Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Proposal COPE AP 

Incentivized Social Security

Social Security has become a political bomb~shell meaning it is, in those terms, on its way out. This article is in support ov an absolute type ov Social Security Retirement payment. It’s not a part ov the proposal because it is not a requirement ov the proposal. Still, it would ensure that the COPE doesn’t run into what may be predictable problems. With the COPE Americans need to Spend, Spend, Spend, Spend, spend, Spend, spend, spend; and spend some more. The programming in the industrial Human’s DNA’s inclination is to save and save some more. You may believe that You’re immune to such a trait until it’s demanded that You save less. The COPE demands this ov the Citizen, but has no power over money before its existence in the economy. suggests that retirement be a guarantee. You’d simply choose the life~style that You would like to retire at. You pay into that life~style until the amount projected for that day; the day and the life~style are a guarantee, because ov the matches by both Business and Government if both are needed. If only one match is needed that’s all that will be utilized. The Government and Business alternate who has 1st match. You may pay in {3}three times the guaranteed amount, leaving the surplus to compensate for others, or petitioning for a life~style increase, or leaving it to Your estate so that Your Children will have to pay in less. The Guarantee is possible because ov the controls on the economy wich keep future projections accurate. You won’t out~live it in the industrial environment. With such a guarantee American Citizens will be free to spend a lot. 

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