The intervention~regulation is Business Regulation Agent Money”{BRAM} (beram) or (bram). This TED~V solves both twin pay~ins to the {MET}.  This is the only time that the {SHE} “Supervising Human Element” and {CHEIF} “Conduct ov the Human Element In Finance” is actually the equivalent ov money because they are fixed in the flow directly. The {BRAMs} regulate all prices to meet the pivot to Space`~Aged need and involvement ov Natural Resources to Human satisfaction. The Government will provide as many Agents as it is able, for every type ov company that exist, within the scope ov the ability to change prices for the market. The Agent will be the employee ov the Government, and paid by the Company. The Government will reimburse at the benefit ov the economy, the Agent’s pay~check to the Company. The {BRAM} pays Labor to {OPET} from {MET} and the resource is from {CADET}. With Labor {OPET} and salary {MET} the {MET} has to pay~ins to the {OPET} thus the {TEDV} reimbursement on the {BRAM} TED~V,with the company’s approval ov the reimbursement wich they need not except. A Company my terminate a {BRAM}. A {BRAM} may become {MET} in case ov Government Corruption, if making the corruption a public address.  Companies opportunity to protest Government Corruption will be through the {BRAM}. The Nature ov the {BRAM’s} position is to police each other. Another {MET} Gain from {OPET} is less Government Regulation. The {BRAM} is the only Government Regulation ov Business. All American Citizens shall have the Rights designated by the Constitution ov the United States ov America. The current enforcement ov the {SAD} “State Action Doctrine’s”  shall have been dismissed as un~Constitutional to LAW.

The economy is still not quite complete. The reason is incentive. A {BRAM} may offer Credit Incentives where~by Citizens contract future sales ov Technology and or Services for longer terms or enhanced quality ov the Services\Technology and lower prices. e.g. If Contractors agree to {10}ten~year~technology, by purchasing Your Technology with a future contract, You may get {12}twelve to {15}fifteen~year~technology at a lesser price than it will be in the future.  

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