Constitutional Rights ov the Child
In order for Corporate and the Government to be able to put the economy in the hands ov the American Citizen, they must be absolutely sure to recognize that Child~Rights are Constitutional Rights and no~one’s but no~one’s Rights come before that ov a Child and the Custodian ov those Rights, the Parent. Beyond any money detail, the {U} Universe by the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum and Genetics assigns the owner~ship ov the Children(‘s’) flesh to the Parents in the currency ov Deoxyribonucleic Acid. The eventual owner~ship ov their Rights can be shown in the currency that the Parent taught them with. Their ownership ov that same Genetic influence can declare their independence. The legal Standard is {18}eighteen Years to perform the transition, but this proposal recommend {20}twenty to {25}twenty~five years or longer befitting the Economy’s wealth.
The SPIRIT ov a Child can be owned by no~one except the Child. By such the Child may choose owner~ship with the {U} Universe and the {DSC} Dimensional Space Continuum the birth ov their own Child or not. To, “Break the Child’s Spirit,” as was done by our Grand~Parents was un~Lawful because the Child’s Spirit is not our’s to break. But, by the SPIRIT’s Domaine, the Solar Plexus and SPIRITUAL organ the brain does the {COP} Core Occupational Parent and teacher, become both Societal Benefactor as well as Beneficiary. All the {COPE AP} Occupational Parenting Economy Amendment Proposes is that the Citizen simply mustn’t abuse the Child and that’s no different than today. The Conditional Space ov the Human Element IS our only Space~Age now and forever to come.